Karina’s Birthday

Monday, I sent you an email about a new training program we’ll be holding at PG Fit starting next week.  It’s the PG Fit STRENGTH ACADEMY.  Strength is an essential component of not only being fit but also achieving almost every other fitness goal. Looking and feeling lean, athletic, and sexy all start with getting stronger. This 6-week program will not only develop your physical strength but also bring you the confidence you need to achieve the body of your dreams.  Be sure to come on Friday to the morning classes to here all about it.

Don’t forget we also have the summer kick-off party at The Shack on Telge this Friday at 7:30 pm.  It’s also Karina’s birthday this month, so come out Friday night to wish her a Happy Birthday and have a big greasy hamburger. We need to carb load before we start the Strength Academy next week! Just kidding!

As you can tell… we are not wearing heart rate monitors this month.  If you have your own watch or strap, we still encourage you to wear them to class.  In fact, we would encourage everyone to purchase one, hint hint! We are still selling the straps for $20 off until the end of next week.  There are several reasons why we will not be wearing heart rate monitors and displaying them this month.  Watch the video below as Seth and Karina can explain why.

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