We have a new video that I wanted to show you. This video explains why I left corporate fitness and started PG Fit. I hope you will take a few minutes to watch it and read the newsletter below. Have a great week!
The Secrets To EatingFor Fat LossBy now you are probably aware that the term, eat clean, has nothing to do with washing your food and has everything to do with eating in a way that promotes fat loss.
While it may sound simple enough, it’s pretty challenging to stick with a clean eating plan. I suppose if it were easy then everyone would be lean and confident about their body.
So what’s the secret to long-term, clean eating success? Here it is…
Secret #1: Keep It Balanced
Many fat loss strategies encourage eating only from one category of food: soup, grapefruit, salad, chicken breast…While these foods may promote fat loss and reduce overall calorie intake, this way of eating sets you up for a fall.
No one sticks with highly restrictive, one-food-only diets for very long, and you’re no exception. To make your clean eating plan last, keep your diet balanced with a range of healthy, real foods.
Secret #2: Don’t Put a Label On It
How many times have you uttered the words I’m on a diet? Ugh, just saying that puts one in the mood to cheat on said diet.
If eating clean means you’re on a diet, then you’re not committed enough to make this a way of life. True fat loss success comes when clean eating is second nature, and not a temporarily imposed sentence.
Secret #3: Have Patience
Wouldn’t it be great if a week of clean eating could erase a decade worth of indulgences? But, alas, you didn’t gain that fat in a week, and you won’t lose it in a week either.
Look for, and acknowledge, each and every small victory along the way to your long-term goal. Notice each pound, each inch and each pant size. These accomplishments build on one another until you reach your ultimate goal. Just remember that big changes take consistent, long-term effort. Be patient.
Secret #4: Have a PlanThis is the most important step in your clean eating quest, without it you’ll flounder around without direction and will likely find yourself starting into the bottom of a bowl of ice cream. Spend time writing out your do’s and don’t’s for your clean eating plan—and please feel free to reach out to me to help you with this step. See below for a list of foods that your diet should mainly consist of and then make another list of completely off-limits foods.
Use these 4 steps as a guide to make clean eating a way of life. Click reply or call to get started on one of our fitness programs that will transform your body – once and for all.
Talk soon!
Be Fit,
Michael Romig BS, CPT, CFT, PES, CES, RES & FT
Pesto Zucchini Boats

Here’s a simple, delicious vegetable side dish that your whole family will love. It’s a great way to increase the fiber content of your meal. Simply add a serving of lean protein and you have a wonderfully fit meal. This is clean eating 🙂
Servings: 4
Here’s what you need…
- 4 small, organic zucchini
- ¼ cup kalamata olives, seeded and chopped
For the Pesto
- ¼ cup raw pecans
- 1 cup fresh basil leaves
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- ¼ cup nutritional yeast
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Combine the pesto ingredients in a food processor until creamy.
- Trim the ends from the zucchinis and slice in half the long way. Carefully score the flesh with short diagonal cuts.
- Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Brush a little olive oil on the flat side of each zucchini and place the flat side down on the hot pan. Cook until the flat side is browned and the zucchini is starting to soften, about 4 minutes. Transfer the zucchini to a baking pan.
- Spread a Tablespoon of pesto on each zucchini slice and sprinkle with the olives. Place in the preheated oven for 8-12 minutes, until tender. Enjoy!
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 152 calories, 10g fat, 140mg sodium, 11g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 6g protein.