PG Fit focuses on Five Fundamentals of Nutrition, Cardio, Supplementation, Resistance Training and Coaching. There are a subset of an additional five fundamentals which we incorporate in the main focus. These subset fundamentals are Detox, Hormones, Sleep, Service and Stress Management. Michael discusses the importance of Hormones in two parts – Part 1 Part 2
PG Fit focuses on Five Fundamentals of Nutrition, Cardio, Supplementation, Resistance Training and Coaching. There are a subset of an additional five fundamentals which we incorporate in the main focus. These subset fundamentals are Detox, Hormones, Sleep, Service and Stress Management. Michael discusses the importance of sleep – https://youtu.be/dKIjbithtec?si=sXFzDsXVs1QNHKoM&t=10