Hello Friend, 

If somewhere deep inside, you’d like to finally win the war with the weight scale, but prefer not to dread the process … If you’d secretly like to walk into the ‘skinny section’ of your closet, grab the first pair of pants that catch your eye … and confidently slip them on with ease … along with any other article of clothing you choose … and love the way you look again … If you love the idea of going shopping for new clothes that are a few sizes smaller instead of few sizes larger than you are right now… then you’ve arrived on this page at the right time.  

Hi, my name is Michael Romig, I’m the owner of PG Fit, and if you’ve come to this page seeking help in losing weight, then I want to make you both a promise and a guarantee. My Promise: I promise that if you’ll at least give us a try, like Lesli Curry did, who said, “I have been working out on a somewhat regular basis for the last five years. Since I joined PG Fit at the beginning of November, I feel so much better on both a mental and physical level. The workouts are so different from what I have gotten used to in the past. I enjoy coming to the gym and look forward to the success that is sure to come. In as little as four weeks from right now, you’ll be at least ten pounds lighter — for certain — and maybe even a bit more. And being ten pounds lighter is a significant start to losing all weight you want and need. That’s especially true when you consider it from a slightly different perspective.

A perspective of calories lost vs. weight lost.  

Did you know that there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, but only 600 calories in a pound of muscle? That means there is almost five times the amount of calories in fat as muscle per pound. So, when you lose one pound of fat, you lose 3,500 calories. When you drop ten pounds, you’ve lost 35,000 extra calories off your body! To truly appreciate how much better you're going to feel when you drop those ten pounds, try this experiment: Carry a gallon of water with you everywhere you go for a full day. Never put it down. Have it in your lap when you drive to work. Keep it on you as you sit at your desk. Carry it with you whenever you are on your feet, climbing stairs, and when you go grocery shopping (remember, you can’t put it in the cart). You must carry it at all times, and you must even sleep with it on your body! And then realize that a gallon of water is only eight pounds! Having those eight extra pounds shackled to your body sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? Which brings me to my guarantee.  

My Guarantee: 

When you drop at least ten pounds in the next four weeks, you are going to feel much lighter and more energetic! Like Richard Kolodziejcyk does now that he’s lost over 70 pounds, “I weighed 270 pounds with a body fat percentage of 36%. On my 50th birthday, I weighed 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 16%. I lost 70 pounds and reduced my body fat percentage by 50%. I went from size XXXL shirts to L shirts (slim fit!) and from size 44 pants to size 32. I lost all of my X’s!! PG Fit has taught me that there are no gimmicks to a healthy lifestyle. ” 

And if I’m wrong on either account (about you losing at least ten pounds and feeling more energetic), then I insist on refunding 100% of your investment. You see, I’m in the business of helping people change their lives for the better. It’s why I started my business to begin with.  

It’s why clients like Pastor David and Diane Bahn say nice things like, “The trainers at PG Fit are extremely knowledgable, gracious, helpful, encouraging, and patient. I look forward to every (well almost every!) workout with them. They challenge me, but also know how to spur me on and help me make great progress. We are building a culture of health at St. John, in part due to our connection with PG Fit.” It’s also why over 100 other active members are happy to tell their friends about their experiences, and it’s why you are going to love your experience too!  

So, what can you expect when you sign up for the 28 Day JumpStart Challenge?  

How To Lose Weight The Right Way — I don’t have to tell you that over 93% of people who lose weight gain it all back, plus some. You already know that. You may have already experienced that. But we’ll show you how to become one of the 7% of people who have discovered the secret of keeping it off.  

A Tighter, More Toned Body — Unlike those crash and starvation diets that leave you “fat-skinny” (thin on the outside, but fat on the inside), we help you become lean by dropping at least ten pounds over the next four weeks, all the while reviving the natural tone of your youth. I assure you that with our program you’ll look fit and healthy, and you’ll feel as good as you look.  

Increased Confidence — When was the last time you actually felt confident? If you can’t remember, then it’s been way too long. Even if it was a year ago, it’s been too long. Amazingly, your body plays an incredible role in your self-confidence, and when you start losing weight and getting in shape, it’s remarkable how confidence naturally rises to the top. Confidence isn’t something you muster up, it’s something you earn. 

And you can experience the joy of it in as little as four weeks from today. 

In addition to all that, you won’t dread this process, instead you’ll have FUN! Like Lisa Begnaud does, “My first couple of months with PGFit were fun. I met a lot of great people and most of them were within ten years of my age, and were fighting the same battles as me. I’ve lost 15 pounds in six months. It may not seem like a lot to you, but I did it on my terms...not some crazy “lose weight fast” scam. I lost fat and gained muscle. I did it with great coaches, constantly changing workouts, new friends that share the same goals, new knowledge about nutrition and supplements, and a new habit that I’m glad I acquired…the need and WANT to work out! Good luck with your journey! I hope that you get an addiction like mine!!” 

So, what are you waiting on? Isn’t it time you took a little time for yourself and enjoy the benefits of feeling better? Nothing would make me happier than to meet you in person, and walk this journey with you. To get the process started, simply register below to get all the details.  

Be Fit,  

Michael Romig - MS, MT, CSCS, CSS, PES, CES, RES, YFS, YNS & CN




Hear What Past Clients Have Said

“I have been working out on a somewhat regular basis for the last 5 years. Since I joined PG Fit at the beginning of November, I feel so much better on both a mental and physical level. The workouts are so different from what I have gotten used to in the past. I enjoy coming to the gym and look forward to the success that is sure to come! Their knowledge about the nutrition aspect of the journey is also so helpful to me!”

Lesli C. (results may vary)

“I’ve never been in better shape! I finally got rid of all my X’s. When I started seeing Michael at PGFit, I weighed 270 lbs with a body fat percentage of 36%. On my 50th birthday, I weighted 200 lbs with a body fat percentage of 16%. I lost 70 lbs and reduced my body fat percentage by 50%. I went from size XXXL shirts to L shirts (slim fit!) and from size 44 pants to size 32. I lost all of my X’s!! PG Fit has taught me that there are no gimmicks to a healthy lifestyle – just proper nutrition and exercise.”

Richard K. (results may vary)

“I had toyed with the idea of participating in a PG Fit event when it was offered at St. John. Due to my own inertia, and calendar conflicts, I was able to attend. How I wish I had started when it all began. The trainers at PG Fit are extremely knowledgable, gracious, helpful, encouraging, and patient. I look forward to every (well almost every!) workout with them. They challenge me, but also know how to spur me on and help me make great progress. We are building a culture of health at St. John, in part due to our connection with PG Fit.”

David & Diane B. (results may vary)

“I joined the PG Fit family in June and I have to say that I have truly enjoyed every workout since then! Over the past 3 years I have worked out with different trainers at different gyms and I have also done Crossfit and boot camps. With PG Fit, there is a lot of knowledge of food, health and fitness that really sets them apart. Although I feel it's important to workout and lose body fat the why and how of it all is equally important. That's when you take the changes and make them your life style. That's what they believe and teach at PG Fit. Over the past 6 months I have personally seen a lot of change in my body. I have lost body fat and have toned out quite a bit! I am very impressed with my results and would recommend anyone for PG Fit! ”

Robin S. (results may vary)

“I came to PG Fit so that my oldest daughter could get in shape for volleyball season. She saw results quickly and I knew I wanted to be a part of what she was doing so that I could see results too. Within the past month she had lost 13 lbs and I had not only lost a measurable amount of weight and body fat but gained back a sense of empowerment and condence I hadn't had in quite a few years. It was worth every drop of sweat to get my body back!”

Donia K. (results may vary)

“I joined PGFit at the age of 47. My goals at the time was just to fit back in to my clothes. At the time, I ran about three times a week (training for a half marathon) and lifted weights at the gym. My first couple of months with PGFit were fun. I met a lot of great people and most of them were within 10 years of my age and were fighting the same battles as me. I’ve lost 15 lbs in 6 months. It may not seem like a lot to you, but I did it on my terms...not some crazy “lose weight fast” scam. I lost fat and gained muscle. I did it with great coaches, constantly changing workouts, new friends that share the same goals, new knowledge about nutrition and supplements and a new habit that I’m glad I acquired…the need and WANT to work out! Good luck with your journey! I hope that you get an addiction like mine!”

Lisa B. (results may vary)

Ready to try it for yourself?

Yes!  Sign Me Up For The Challenge!